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Beekeeping all over again.


All information Commercial Beekeepers need to know, straight from your phone.

To your computer

It's your personal assistant.

It keeps track of anything beekeeping that you need. Whether you’re at home or in the field, online or offline, TheBapp is there for you. It will organize all information you put into it and much more.

TheBapp is a two part platform: The control panel used in the office, and the application that is used by beekeepers in the field. Through the app your beekeepers can know exactly where the apiaries are located through built in GPS navigation, the exact number of hives installed in each apiary and even the work history of each location. They can leave notes, pictures, and voice memos per each location as well as document dead-outs, splits, honey production, feeding, treatments and tests as well as keep record when transferring bee hives from one location to another. The app has a built in time clock, so that you will always know the exact hours worked when doing payroll and budgeting, and in just a few minutes or less.

Control panel: The Website is where you can check everything that happens in your company, view reports on what was done in the day, see how much you have fed each apiary, and the amount of honey produced at each location. You can see the exact amount of hives you have total and in each beeyard. There is also activity updates, and information on demand all organized and easy to understand on the control panel. This facilitates the office workload and helps you plan ahead and know what's happening in your company at all times. You can have your ELAP insurance report ready in.


Beekeepers Know What

Beekeepers Need.

TheBapp isn't run by a big company trying to profit off of the beekeeping industry. We are a family owned business and commercial beekeepers ourselves, and we have teamed up with the right software engineers and made TheBapp to make lives for all beekeepers much easier. It is a step forward in the right direction to assist you and organize all your information.

As commercial beekeepers ourselves we know it can be very tough to keep track of tons of different information, as well as getting it through to your employees. From reports, labor hours, treatments, hive count, hive conditions, map navigation, and much more, we cover it all for you. Because beekeepers know what beekeepers need.

If you would like to learn more about TheBapp's features, click HERE.